How to Enroll in the OL 240 Diploma Program.
Two simple steps and you’re in!
It’s easy to enroll in our courses. There are only two things to do: pay the course fee and fill out the student enrollment form. The links are just below.
This diploma program is composed of four, 8-week courses. They are taken sequentially—since your project develops from one course to the next. Start your diploma program with OL 201. Each of the four courses is $150.00.
1. $150.00 Payment
To pay by debit or credit card simply select your course number from the drop-down menu just below, fill in your nationality and click “Add to Cart”. You can add more than one course to your cart.

When you are ready to pay, click “Check Out.” PayPal membership is not required; you will see “Don’t have a PayPal account? Pay as a guest now.” Fill out the form as a normal credit card form.

If you are paying for someone else, there is a cell in the payment form where we ask you to fill in their name. Thank you!

Course Fees
Course Number

If it’s more convenient for you to pay by bank transfer, we will be glad to send you instructions. Write to us at:
2. Student Enrollment Form
Simply fill out the Student Enrollment Format the bottom of this page.
Thank you for enrolling! We look forward to working with you online.

Students from over 500 organizations in 153 countries have used these courses to develop projects impacting over 400,000 people.

Return to OL 240 Non Profit Diploma: Design, Fund and Manage Nonprofit Programs.

